We will discuss how planning, delivery, and assessment can change the classroom experience with Dr. Neil Allison, Chemistry Professor in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. A student recently wrote: “Dr. Allison is great! He is very knowledgeable about Organic Chemistry! This class is hard content-wise, but he explains it very well and makes learning fun.” Neil will share how he creates enthusiasm when topics are challenging and
inspires students to want to learn.
Neil is a former TFSC Co-Director, a Fulbright Master Teacher, and author of a best-selling textbook and iPad and iPhone applications related to the textbook. He has received numerous recognitions for his outstanding teaching and service at the University of Arkansas. The TFSC admires Neil so much that we use a recorded version of his teaching to train peer reviewers on what excellent classroom management is! He is retiring at the end of this semester, so come learn from one of our best at a luncheon designed for tips you can take to your classroom and to your dossier for promotion.